Inspiration and resources for telling your story, and the stories of others, to the next generation.
Review: Drive Thru History® “Acts to Revelation”
Whether he's in a jeep, a Volkswagen, or a horse drawn carriage, Drive Thru History® host and narrator, Dave Stotts passionately retells historic events with an adventurous flair. This week I'll review one of his latest projects, the Drive Thru History® Acts to Revelation: The World of the First Christians. It'a a DVD and Bible Study Guide combo!
Review-ARTistic Pursuits Inc.
Since art and history are two subjects my son and I both enjoy, we were excited when given the opportunity to review ARTistic Pursuits Inc.: Art in America (Vol. 8).
Family Mission Trips: 8 Ways to Prepare
This post offers 8 ways to prepare for family mission trips. It's unifying when a family ventures together to serve others in the name of Christ. Flexibility and working as a team strengthen the family.
DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES: Book Review/Giveaway
Are you struggling with a sleep-resistant child--the kind who has a zillion reasons for bedtime protests? Perhaps this is the answer to your nighttime dilemmas. A book review and giveaway of Bob Hostetler's children's book of DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES: A Silly Bedtime Story.
HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY KIDS Book Review & Giveaway
At this moment, are your children happy, or are they going through a rough patch? Gather around because this week, we've a HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY STORIES FOR KIDS book review and a giveaway!