Love Connects Us All Book Review {& Giveaway!}
Are you looking for a children’s book celebrating how families are unique and how God’s love connects them all? If so, then consider this thorough review of Love Connects Us All. Plus, the author and publisher have kindly sent an autographed copy to give away to one of you. Yay!
“Sky High” – A WASP Aviation Book Review
A review of the award-winning book, "Sky High: The True Story of Maggie Gee" written by Marissa Moss and illustrated by Carl Angel.
A Poem is a Firefly: Book Review {and Giveaway!}
Why do children enjoy lullabies, nursery rhymes, and short stories? It’s more than just the rhythmic sounds they make. “A Poem is a Firefly” tells us why. Check out the blog for the full book review and the giveaway!
OSPREY: Ben and Erin Napier’s Parenting Movement for Social Media-Free Kids Through High School
Co-founders of OSPREY (Old School Parents Raising Engaged Youth), Ben and Erin Napier and Catherine and Taylor Sledge are excited about spearheading a grassroots movement that encourages and connects parents “who want to create a dynamic, engaged childhood for their kids, and preserve the value of authentic human connection.” Do you have the courage to parent your kids through high school without allowing them access to social media? Strength comes from above and from those around you.
The 3 R’s of Retiring Homeschool Moms
During my years as a kindergarten teacher in the public school system, the custom was to recognize retiring teachers with a reception and present them with a brass apple. So, what happens when homeschool moms retire? After 24 years of homeschooling, that’s what I’ve been pondering after officially closing our homeschool with the Dept. of Non-Public Education a few weeks ago. I’ve whittled my reflections down to 3 R’s.