Ark Encounter Review: Family Vacation {2021}
Are you considering a visit to the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky? Our family visited the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in the summer of 2021. Of course, things are always changing, but hopefully, you’ll find this review, as well as my review of the Creation Museum, helpful.
If you’ve ever wondered how big Noah’s Ark was, how he built it, how he fit all the animals inside and took care of them, and perhaps, even wondered if the Bible is true at all, then the Ark Encounter is a place you’ll want to research.
First, let me mention that if you plan to go to the Ark Encounter, and overnight accommodations are needed–book early! We began searching for a place about three months before our trip and places were filling fast. So, that’s one line you want to get a head start on if you can. Also, pre-buy your attraction tickets online.
But, even with pre-purchased tickets, we had to stand in a long line waiting for a shuttle bus to take us to the Ark. I’m guessing we stood in line for about an hour.
The ticket booths were understaffed by 50% or more. Had there been more workers at the entrance that day, it would have sped up the process greatly. However, we wondered if this was purposely planned to help with distancing as people entered the museum.
At least the weather was nice while we waited. Had the weather been foul, or if for any reason we chose not to visit that day, our tickets were valid for one year.
The line at the entrance was really the only slow-waiting area of our entire visit. Once we boarded the bus, everything began moving smoothly and we were able to set our own pace.
And, we did need to pace ourselves because the Ark Encounter is ENORMOUS!
Approaching the Ark
As we approached the Ark, our eyes and mouths widened. The Ark’s exterior is quite possibly as amazing as its interior.
The Ark was built according to the dimensions given in the Bible: 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high. The wood used for this Ark wasn’t gopher wood but rather Engelmann Spruce, Douglas Fir, Radiata Pine, and Bamboo. And it is gorgeous!
According to the Ark’s website:
Ark Encounter is the largest timber frame structure in the world, built from standing dead timber, in part by skilled Amish craftsmen. The Ark is an architectural and engineering wonder containing three decks of world-class exhibits. These stunning exhibits allow you to experience what Noah’s life may have been like.
Popular author and speaker, Ken Ham, CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, was also the visionary behind the Ark Encounter.
I’m not sure who designed the landscaping around the Ark, but it is colorful and pristine. There photo ops were plentiful before entering the Ark.
Even though it was a beautiful, sunny day, we heard an appropriate rumble of “thunder” as began our walk up the ramp into the Ark.

Inside the Ark Encounter
The Ark includes three decks above the ground level. We were amazed at the craftsmanship and the gorgeous wood used throughout the Ark. Noah did not have electricity but this Ark is blessed with it. Most of the lighting reflects warm, golden tones, much like magnified candlelight.
All deck levels are accessed by wide, gradual sloping ramps. However, there is an elevator for those who need it. Visitors enter at ground level and continue up a ramp to Deck 1.
Deck 1
Deck 1 is where visitors begin to see what the Ark may have contained long ago. There are no live animals on the Ark, just a sampling of life-like animal statues.
We see how Noah and his family may have stored the various food supplies for the animals. There’s an introduction to animal kinds, including the insects. I found the insect storage intriguing.

Deck 2
Deck 2 contains information and exhibits about the status of the world prior to the flood. We learn more about Noah. If Noah had a workshop and a blacksmith shop on the boat, we view the possibilities of how they may have looked and functioned.
Also, on this deck is an interesting nook called “Fairy-Tale Ark” where various published children’s books are on display. This exhibit emphasizes how some story books do not accurately depict the biblical account of Noah and the flood. If we use these books with children, we may want to consider using them as springboards for deeper discussions of biblical truths about the consequences of sin and God’s grace.
Be prepared for a lot of walking. Thankfully, there were plenty of benches. We found a wonderful place to rest as we watched a film in the Noah Interview Theater.
After viewing this the well-made film, we made our way across the deck to see the huge Ark door. If the door to the Ark was truly that large, no wonder it took the LORD’s strength to shut them in! (Gen. 7:16 KJV) But there’s a deeper meaning behind the presence of the door to the Ark. The Ark Encounter offers a free gospel door pdf about it.
Deck 3
Finally, we ascended to the top floor, Deck 3, where we viewed what the living quarters for Noah’s family may have looked like.
We saw a time line of various events in exhibits including the Flood Geology, the Ice Age, Babel, Ancient Man, Flood Legends, and the Rainbow Covenant.
Also, on this floor, is the As in the Days of Noah Theater. The show had already begun and we did not wait for the next showing.
Our last stop on Deck 3 was at the “Doors of the Bible” exhibit and the exhibits on Searching for Truth and Why the Bible is True. These areas impressed me because they were vastly different than the rest of the Ark. Some may say they didn’t fit with the rest of the exhibits, but I think it was an intelligent design decision which moves the visitors from the past into the present.
There are large comic strip graphics on the wall. They tell a touching, modern-day story about people who are struggling with questions about death, destruction, the reality of the world, and the love and mercy of God.
There was a family ahead of us. The parents and two of their children meandered through the panels quickly. But, one of their children, a boy about ten or eleven years old, went slowly, pausing in front of every panel. Totally absorbed by the details and words of the panels. The young boy was oblivious to the people around him.
I loved following at a distance behind him and listening to him read each panel out loud to himself. I could hear his curiosity growing with each panel. He was soaking it all in, reading each one with such emotion. What a privilege to witness these artistic panels being used to plant, or water, seeds of truth into this young boy’s heart. It was heart-touching moment for me.

Clear Presentations
This wasn’t the only place I saw a clear gospel presentation taking place. Which is one reason why this family vacation “attraction” is unique.
Plaques and other media clearly distinguished between the known facts of the Bible and what may have happened. Such as the interpretation of what the living quarters of Noah’s family may have looked like.
Another major-cool factor about the Ark, is the educational material showing how and why things totally could’ve worked on the Ark. How everything could fit, how they may have handled waste, and accumulated fresh water, and so much more. The research put into developing these exhibits is tremendously impressive.
I told my husband, whoever designed the Ark Encounter, really put a lot of thought into it. There is something for everyone—the visual learner, the auditory learner, the hands-on learner. As well as the science geek, the math geek, and the creative geek!
Opportunities abound for visitors to experience God’s truth, His great love, and His creative spirit—inside the Ark as well as outside.
Outside the Ark Encounter
Outside, in addition to a variety of plants and trees, there’s an interesting assortment of live animals awaiting visitors. I’ve always said God must have had enormous fun creating some of, what we perceive as, the more odd-looking animals. Who knew gazing at a sloth could be so relaxing?
It’s not a huge zoo, but it is larger than what is offered at the Creation Museum. And, there is a petting zoo included. It would be nice to see more animals added in the future.
I heard the Ark used to offer camel rides, but they were not doing that in the summer of 2021. You could however, for three dollars, feed a camel some lettuce! We passed on that experience.
Food, Gifts, and Extras
The Ark doesn’t allow outside food and beverages. But, should you want to eat elsewhere, visitors are allowed to leave the premises and return later on the same day of their visit.
However, there are several eating venues on the grounds. We ate a delicious buffet meal at Emzara’s restaurant. Lots of food selections are offered.
After eating lunch, we visited one of the gift shops. A wide assortment of souvenirs and gifts were available. The merchandise we viewed and purchased was high-quality and reasonably priced.
Also, visitors can enjoy of the free, family playground which looked super-fun. Plus, there’s an opportunity to zip-line for a fee.
In fact, there are several “enhanced experiences” visitors can enjoy such as sitting in on one of the film or speaker presentations at the Answers Center or viewing biblical history via a virtual reality experience. Some of these extras cost money, and some do not.
After a full day at the Creation Museum on the day prior to our visit to the Ark Encounter, the only “extras” we had the energy for were viewing the beautiful Rainbow Gardens and strolling through the mid-size Ararat Ridge Zoo.
My Thoughts and Recommendation
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Ark Encounter and hope to go again someday—maybe with the grandkids. There’s so much to see and do. And, like the Creation Museum, new exhibits will merge into their lineup.
The staff is top-notch. The exhibits and the grounds are exceptional.
If you go, I recommend allowing an entire day for your visit. At the minimum, four hours. I’d love to see a 2-day option for visitors. Some families, especially with littles, may find it challenging to fit everything in one day.
The prices are a bit high. Purchasing a combo-ticket for both attractions is the best way to go. Currently, children ages ten and under are admitted free, so I’d take them soon before that extra perk changes!
Also, I’d love to see free parking for everyone, not just for those who live in the surrounding counties of the Ark. Or, at least reduce the price a little. Parking is $10.00 at each park in addition to the price of adult tickets which is between $40 – 50.00 each. But, I understand everything is expensive these days and good help is challenging to find.
Plus, the exhibits are exquisite, highly-detailed, and educational. Not to mention how they’re ministering to hearts.
For our family of three, the trip was well worth the money. The experience brought biblical history to life. And, it served as an amazing reminder of just how big and awesome is our God.
An Extra Note from the Ark Encounter for 2022:
From the Ark Encounter:
“A unique family homeschool experience is coming to the Ark Encounter next spring, and you receive admission to the Creation Museum with your registration. We’re hosting our first-ever family homeschool conference, Building Strong Foundations, in May—but it’s so much more than just a conference.
It’s a unique family experience at the world’s leading Christian themed attraction, the Ark Encounter, May 12–14, 2022. It’s an experience for homeschoolers that you can’t get anywhere else in the world. There will be activities for everyone in your family during this three-day event.”

A freelance writer, Sally Matheny’s writing is published in worldwide, national, regional, online and print publications including Appleseeds, Clubhouse Jr., Homeschooling Today, and The Old Schoolhouse.
As a writer, blogger, and speaker, Sally encourages parents to live victorious and to courageously tell the next generation wondrous things. Connect with her on several social media sites, but her favorite hangouts are at SallyMatheny.com and Pinterest.

J.D. Wininger
Thank you so much for the photos and candidness Ms. Sally. It sure has moved up my list of things I’d like to see in this world before I leave it.
Sally Matheny
J.D., it’s a remarkable sight! I hope you get to visit the Ark soon.
This was a great review of The Ark Encounter. I didn’t know much about it before so I found your details of your visit including, cost, parking, food, etc, very helpful. It sounds like the exhibit is top notch!