Besides Love, the Best Gift for Baby’s First Christmas
If God has blessed you with a precious baby this year, I’m sure your Christmas morning will be extra sweet! Besides love, I want to encourage you to give the best gift possible for your baby’s first Christmas.
No matter where you live, or the extent of your resources, you have the power to give your baby the best gift ever. The positive effects of this gift will last a lifetime. It will only cost you wisdom and courage.
The Best Gift for Baby’s First Christmas
Besides love, the best gift a parent can give a baby for his first Christmas is the truth.
Godly parents long to teach their children the importance of honesty. Teaching by example is always best–and the earlier, the better.
We want our children to know they can always come to us. We build a relationship of trust on a firm foundation of consistent truth.
It took me a while to fully understand as a new mom.
A Nice Blend of Jesus and Santa
My husband and I knew we didn’t want to play up the whole Santa Claus thing. We never said, “You better be good; Santa is watching you.” We even tried to make subtle hints by saying, “Santa is a fun thing people do at Christmas.”
We emphasized the birth of Jesus through our speech and actions. Yet, we still took our little one to see Santa. We put milk and cookies out for him on Christmas Eve. And there were always gifts under the tree with tags signed by Santa.
We thought we could have a nice blend of Jesus and Santa.
A Hard Lesson Learned
My husband and I learned the hard way that it would’ve been much easier if we had started telling the truth to our child from the beginning.
One Christmas Eve, as I tucked our four-year-old daughter into bed, she excitedly informed me she had a secret. Her little eyes lit up as she whispered she had asked Santa for a secret toy and had not told anyone else about it.
I tried to tell her Santa doesn’t always bring everything we ask for, but she insisted that he would bring this to her because he told her he would.
Hoping it was something I had already picked up, I pried the secret toy request out of her. Unfortunately, it was the first time I’d ever heard her express a desire for a Barbie horse. She was so excited.
After saying our prayers and kissing goodnight, I racked my brain for a solution to our dilemma.
Finally, I sat down and wrote a letter to her from Santa explaining that once he arrived at our home, he noticed a problem with the toy horse. He would take it back to the North Pole and send her a new one in a few days.
The next morning, our little girl believed my fabrication.
Later, I bought the toy horse at the store. When I gave it to her, I told her it had come in the mail. Another lie.
She played with the horse for about a week and tired of it. Also, during that week, my husband and I struggled more and more with the whole Santa thing.
Finally, we made a decision that wasn’t popular with many folks. We decided to tell our child the truth.
The Decision to Tell the Truth
Beginning early the next year, we began telling our little girl how the legend of Santa Claus began, how it all began with an ordinary man who loved Jesus Christ with all his heart. He wanted to share that love by helping others, and he found a way to do that secretly to not draw attention to himself. That man did not have superhuman powers or magic reindeer. He loved Jesus and wanted to serve Him by serving others.
As Christmas drew near, she occasionally asked a question about Santa, and we always gently gave her an honest answer. She never cried, complained, or needed therapy. Neither did the rest of our children whom God blessed us with in the following years.
I tell you the truth: our kids have never missed Santa. They have loved receiving gifts no matter whose name was signed on the gift tag!
They also had a better understanding of why some children receive extravagant gifts, and some receive very little. It wasn’t due to an unfair Santa or based on lists recording a child’s sleeping or sinful behavior throughout the year.
As our children matured, they began to understand the true meaning of Christmas. As they celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, who later became their Lord and Savior, they delighted in blessing others through giving. Sometimes, they did that secretly, but as of yet, they haven’t used Santa’s name as a cover.

The Result of Dishonesty
Dishonesty causes pain and mistrust. Numerous stories circulate every year of distraught children during the Christmas season. Sometimes, it’s due to the dissolving “magic” of a stuffed elf or unfulfilled wish lists.
The youngsters aren’t the only ones in distress. So are the parents. They have to devise a new plan and juggle additional words of explanation (a.k.a. more lies).
Plus, we must consider how our little mistruths might influence our children, even when presented with the best intentions.
Imaginative Play and Reality
We begin teaching our little ones from the moment they can understand us. We teach them a picture of a fire will not hurt you. It’s just an illustration. When they pretend to fight a fire with a water hose, it doesn’t mean they’re really battling flames—they’re just play-acting.
However, flames in a fire pit are real. They can harm you. Do not touch!
Do you see? We begin teaching our children at a very young age what is real and what is not. Sometimes, it is not as easy as it sounds. We want to delight our children with fun. The commercial world is eager to help us do that.
But, encouraging children to use their imaginations is different from perpetuating untruths as truth.
Parents, please consider carefully how you want to celebrate Christmas in your home now that your little one has arrived.
If Santa must be a part of it, consider making it clear to your child that people today pretend to be like a man who lived long ago. Share how he wanted to share the love of Jesus through secret giving.
Let the Little Ones Come
It’s challenging to find truth in the world.
Dear parents, as your little ones grow up, may they learn through their consistent experiences with you that whenever they come to you, they can expect honest answers.
You want them to believe you when you tell them there is only One who knows the good and the bad in our hearts. Only One watches over us every second when we are sleeping or awake.
Creativity and imagination are gifts from God. It’s fun playing pretend with our children! But they need to know what’s real and what’s not.
Miraculous power only comes from God. He is the giver of all good things, and His ultimate gift is Jesus.
If you enjoyed reading this article, you may also enjoy reading “The Day I Learned the Truth About Santa.”
Cathy Biggerstaff
Thanks for this timely post. We did Santa Claus with our kids but I often wished I had done that whole thing differently rather than fall in with the world's commercial handling of Christmas. It brought lots of stress during a time that is supposed to be peaceful. Blessings on your celebration this year!
Hello Sally Matheny. I am so glad to know you through your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also glad to stop by your blog post and go through it. It is a very thoughtful exhortation on the first Christmas gift to your child.I am also blessed to know you as a Pastor's wife who is also a speaker. We would love to have you come and encourage and equip our women in the church. I may have commented on your blog post earlier but may be I do take advantage to speak about the opportunity young people as well as adults from the west can have of mission trip to Mumbai, India. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India and love to get connected with the people of God around the world to be encouraged, strengthen and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 36yrs years in this great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reachout to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would to have young people from your church to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. I am sure they will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your famiy and friends and the ministry. Wishing you a very blessed and joyous Christmas season and a very bright, prosperous and a Christ centered New year.
Sally Matheny
Cathy, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. There are many things I wish I'd done differently as well. I'm the sentimental sort and love traditions, but I'm glad we broke free from this one.
Sally Matheny
Hi, Diwakar. Thank you for sending salutations all the way from Mumbai, India. Who knows what the Lord will bring your way as a result of your post? I pray the Holy Spirit prompts those He wants to send your way and they respond accordingly. May the Lord continue to bless you and meet all your needs.