The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
The best Christmas pageant ever happened in the year 1999. Well, it is one of the best, and it makes me cry every time I think of it. Not because of the angels in their white poster-board wings and crooked tinsel halos. Nor was it the tiny, shepherds carrying ninja sticks, or the wise men wearing refurbished Burger King crowns.
Even though “Mary” held the baby doll as if it was Jesus himself; that year, it was all about “Joseph.”
The Sweet Siblings
Three, sweet siblings began attending our church. They came to VBS in the summer and continued to come almost every Sunday after that, as long as they had a ride.
They didn’t maintain a rowdiness like the Herdman family in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. However, like the Herdmans, they did come from a less fortunate home.
Cigarette and kerosene fumes infused the children’s faded clothes. Caring Sunday school teachers often washed dirt from their little hands and faces. Others brought the children coats for the winter.
Nick, the oldest, seemed quiet and reflective for a six-year-old boy. His three-year-old brother was the most energetic. His raspy, four-year-old sister always wore a sheepish grin. All three appeared to enjoy coming to church.
The Perceptive Parents
Since a parishioner usually brought them to church, the rest of us had never met the children’s parents. That is, until the night of the Christmas pageant.
Someone offered to pick up the children, but Nick declined, proudly stating his parents would be coming to watch them in the program. We were excited about finally meeting the parents of these precious children.
In the sea of red and green Christmas-attired congregation, the children’s parents were obvious. Heavily pierced and tattooed body parts were accented with black leather for the occasion. Finding a seat, they settled in to watch their children transform into a shy angel, an excited shepherd, and a thoughtful Joseph.
The Precious Pageant
Despite the momentary lapses of forgotten lines, the pageant was precious. The children were adorable; the play’s story and the songs were sweet. Tilted halos and disheveled shepherds’ hats always bring smiles.
At the end, the pastor planned to share a few words. He asked the kids to go sit with their parents. Perhaps there was not enough room on his parents’ pew, but for some reason, Nick came and sat beside me.
The pastor spoke a few minutes about the purpose of Jesus Christ coming to earth. He invited people to come to pray if they wished. He told them to consider accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Then, “Silent Night” softly filled the room. A few people went to pray silently and then returned to their seats.
The Tireless Tug
During the last verse, Nick tugged at my sleeve. I leaned down to hear his soft voice.
“I want to go,” he said.
It had been a long day for the children. I thought Nick must be tired and ready to go home.
“It’s almost over,” I whispered, patting him on the shoulder. “We’ll be done in a minute.”
Soon, there was another tug at my sleeve.
“No,” he said. His brow furrowed with serious intention. “Can I ask Jesus into my heart? Can I do that?”
Tears welled up in my eyes as I sat down beside Nick. “Do you want to ask Jesus in your heart, Nick?”
He nodded yes.
“Then, yes, you can do that! Go ahead,” I said, motioning for him to go talk to the pastor.
Tilting his head up at me once again, his eyes widened. “But, I don’t know how.”
“Do you want me to go with you?”
Again, he nodded yes.
But the music stopped. The song was over. The pastor was already making parting announcements. Fidgety children were anxious to find their way to the refreshments in the fellowship building.

The Important Interruption
My hand shot in the air. “Wait! Pastor, could we sing just one more verse? There’s someone who wants to come.”
“Of course, come on young man.” He motioned for him to come forward. Nick gently slipped his hand into mine. The pianist gladly belted out another verse as we went to talk with the pastor.
Swallowing the lump in my throat was difficult. Controlling my tears of joy—impossible. I wasn’t alone. Sniffles rippled through the room.
God had used many people to influence little Nick. Church members, Sunday School teachers, the choir director, and the pastor. Just as the star had led the wise men, each person had tenderly pointed Nick to Christ.
For me, one of the best Christmas pageants ever was the night “Joseph” felt Jesus tugging at his heart and let Him come in.
What about you?
Are you acting as a member of a cast—just playing the part of a Christian? Or, are you a genuine star, shining in this dark world, gently pointing others to the truth of Christ?
In all the hustle and bustle, even in all the good things this Christmas season, let’s remember to shine the love of Jesus Christ front and center. May the Lord help us to be sensitive to the smallest tugs and realize the important interruptions.
Another Post You May Enjoy:
Besides Love, the Best Gift for Baby’s First Christmas

A freelance writer, Sally Matheny’s writing is published in worldwide, national, regional, online and print publications including Appleseeds, Clubhouse Jr., Homeschooling Today, Practical Homeschooling, and The Old Schoolhouse. As a writer, blogger, and speaker, Sally encourages parents to live victorious and to courageously tell the next generation wondrous things. Connect with her on several social media sites, but her favorite hangouts are at SallyMatheny.com and Pinterest.

Mary Jane
Great Story Sally! Hope you are having a great Christmas Season. May the Child Be born anew in all of us.
Love it!
Sally Matheny
Thanks Mary Jane. Our Christmas season has been wonderfully simple and sweet thus far. Praying you have a blessed Christmas as well.
My daughter and I are reading THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT right now – we're on the very last chapter and have been saving it for special bedtime reading tonight – so this post comes at a perfect time. Like the book, it is a WONDERFUL reminder of the real meaning and joy of Christmas. Thank you for posting!
Years ago I directed a children's choir that included bus kids. I have so many wonderful memories of those precious children. Thanks for sharing a sweet story.
Oh, Sally! Thank you for sharing such a precious story! I have read “The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever” every year since I was in the 10th grade. I've read it to my children every year since their birth! To experience the Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever by witnessing a child giving his heart, soul, and life to JESUS CHRIST must fill you with such overwhelming joy. What a wonderful gift! Merry Christmas, Saundra Clay
Sally Matheny
I just finished reading it with my son as well. I love the book! The only part I edit when reading aloud is when Imogene takes the Lord's name in vain. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing, Laura. Your daughter will always remember those special moments of you two reading together. May you have a blessed and merry Christmas.
Sally Matheny
Ah, Sharon. I'd love to hear your story! Can you imagine “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” made into one of your silent films? Imogene Herdman in her flashy, gold earrings and the rest of the Herdmans dragging a ham down the center aisle to give to baby Jesus?
I hope you have a joyful Christmas.
Sally Matheny
Saundra, that's a precious family Christmas tradition. The book continues to remind me that not everyone has had the opportunity to hear about Jesus' birth. And it gives those of us who have heard it often a fresh perspective of God's miraculous love. Thanks for sharing, Saundra. Have a blessed Christmas.