A Forever Family Via Foster Care – by Cecil Stokes
This week, I’m excited to present to you, “A Forever Family Via Foster Care” by Cecil Stokes. When researching articles on adoption this year, I came across the Boone & Me ministry. I had heard Cecil speak at the Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference several years ago. I was aware of some of his great work, especially as the producer of one of my favorite movies, October Baby. But the Boone & Me ministry was new to me. As I learned more, I longed to ask Cecil if he would guest post. Fortunately for us, he agreed. May you all find encouragement and inspiration in his post.
A Forever Family Via Foster Care
by Cecil Stokes
What happens when a commitment phobic 40-year-old man and a traumatized eight-year-old boy stand stomach to face for the first time? Well, that’s our story. And we became family.
Boone and I have now been father and son for almost five years and no two days have ever been alike. We are beyond blessed and we know it, but years of demons from both our pasts continually raise their ugly heads to torment us. As Dad, I have learned weapons of spiritual warfare that I hand down to my son and together we lock arms (and sometimes horns) to claim Jesus’ victory over our lives.
Facing Issues Together
Through parenting my child, I had to face issues I have been running from for decades because understanding and conquering them were the only way to help him conquer his. And in the process, we have grown together as family and grown closer to the Lord than ever before in our lives.
Boone was taken from his birth family when he was five and then tossed around the foster care system for over three years ultimately living with 10 different foster placements. Many would call them foster families but we do not because some were as abusive as his birth family was to him.
Answered Prayer for a Forever Family
When I heard the Lord answer my prayer to be a father even though I was not married, I began to pray for my son months before I heard his name. I prayed that he would have strength, hope and resilience and boy, does he have those in spades. I can’t believe how much hope he carried walking through our front door. After almost a dozen “parents,” he said God whispered to him when he walked in, “This one is for Good.” I heard the same voice because I knew no matter what we faced, this boy was mine forever.
Since then, our traumas, hardships and struggles have been of Job-like proportion, and I do not say that lightly. But God knew that he could create something amazing with two broken hearts and He has, praise Him – yes, He has. We have both experienced an unconditional love neither of us knew and it powers our days when they are dark.

“A Forever Family via Foster Care” by Cecil Stokes
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Stokes).
Sharing Our Story
About 18 months ago, I was asked to speak to a group of foster parents before they received their first placements and I asked if Boone could come along. I opened my mouth to speak, but instead, the little voice beside me began by introducing me as his daddy and while I wept at those words, he then spoke for 42 minutes about structure, grace, consequence and redemption. On that night, our ministry was born – “Boone and Me.”
We now travel the country sharing our story of hope and redemption standing on Revelations 12:11 “By the power of the blood of Jesus and our testimony, the Devil is defeated.” We will no longer allow the stronghold Satan holds in the foster care world to remain intact. We teach, encourage and help build ministries all over the United States to save America’s children.
If your church or organization would like to welcome us, we would love to visit. You can watch a video of our story on our website and contact us from there. http://www.BooneandMe.org

(Photo courtesy of Cecil Stokes).
About the Writer
Cecil Stokes founded Tentmakers Entertainment in 1999. Cecil is an Executive Producer/Writer/Producer/Director. He has worked on over 500 cable television shows for networks such as A&E, Court TV, DIY, ESPN, Food Network, HGTV, History Channel, and Turner. For his television programming, he won multiple awards including the New York Film Festival, the Communicator Award, dozens of Tellys and an Emmy. Cecil’s award-winning documentaries include A MAN NAMED PEARL and CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Cecil also co-created and produced the feature film OCTOBER BABY. Cecil has also written, produced and directed over 100 branded entertainment projects for the Scripps Networks (HGTV, DIY, Food Network, Cooking Channel, Fine Living & GAC). Most recently, Cecil and his son founded “Boone and Me,” a speaking ministry encouraging Christians to foster and adopt.
Cecil, thank you for this wonderful post. I pray God will use it and your ministry to unite more children with forever families.

Diane Buie
What an encouraging testimony on how God provides for and how He creates a family through adoption. Thanks for writing and thanks for sharing this with us through this blog.
Sally Matheny
Hi, Diane. I’m glad you enjoyed Cecil’s post. Thanks for taking a moment to comment. I hope you’re having a joyful day. 🙂