Barnaby the Runaway Sheep: Book Review & Giveaway
Paraclete Press recently released a cute picture book, Barnaby the Runaway Sheep: A Parable of the Lost Sheep. This fictional story addresses fear, loneliness, courage, and trust. Let's take a peek inside.
The Gospel Story for Kids: Book Review
If you’re looking for a condensed gospel presentation to use as an affordable giveaway for children’s ministry events or something that’s lightweight for mailing, consider The Gospel Story for Kids: God’s Story of Love from Creation to Revelation. Of course, a full version of the Bible is the very best presentation of the gospel. However, occasionally, the need arises for something compact in design. Let’s take a look at this soft-cover, 32-page booklet published by Tyndale.
When to Tell Kids the Truth About Santa
I remember the day I learned the truth about Santa Claus. Do you remember when you discovered Santa wasn’t real? Did you figure it out on your own, or did someone tell you? Perhaps you finally pinned your parents down and demanded the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Now that you’re a parent, perhaps you’re wondering when and how to break the news to your kids. I have some suggestions for you to consider.
Hurricane Helene – Our Family’s Story
Hurricane Helene hit western North Carolina late at night on Thursday, September 26, two nights before my birthday. Early Friday morning, we could already see that numerous downed trees and a lack of electricity in our area would prevent our family from gathering for a birthday celebration. The best birthday gift was definitely learning that all my family and extended family were safe. However, during those first phone calls to check on one another, we were not fully aware of the devastation happening around us, especially for our daughter Emily and her family, who lived in Black Mountain, NC.
The librarian zipped straight to a specific shelf when I asked her if she had a favorite children’s book about the election process. After reading several books, she thought the best one was ONE VOTE, TWO VOTES, I VOTE, YOU VOTE, written by Bonnie Worth. Let’s see if this book will garner your vote as the best children’s book about voting.