Sharing God’s Love: Remembering Jesus’ Rescue {Guest Post}
Are you sharing God’s love by telling His Story and your story? Earlier this year, I guest posted on a Christian website for women, gaLife.org. Since then, I’ve been reading several encouraging articles there posted by the founder, Irrayna. I asked Irrayna if she’d guest post for us here. I’m delighted she agreed. Today, she shares with us about remembering Jesus’ rescue of the woman at the well as well as her own salvation.
Sharing God’s Love: Remembering When Jesus Rescued Me at the Well
Guest Post by Irrayna
When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”
The nameless woman, who meets Jesus at a well, depicts the story of many women whose circumstance makes them feel far from God’s reach. Jesus, in turn, makes it clear that no such circumstance exists. God desires to meet us in the midst of life where we need Him. In the unfixed-up chaos of life Jesus meets us. We don’t need to straighten up the living room or tidy the bathroom. If we could get life all together by ourselves, we would have done it by now. But we haven’t and we can’t.
Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
On a stroll to the water fountain, the Samaritan woman catches a glimpse of her toxic life. Jesus doesn’t make a big deal of it but just enough for her to know that He knows she needs help. Life isn’t as peachy as she makes it out to be. In the recesses of her life, she has issues.
He invites her out of her hiding place to somewhere safer where she can confront her issues. She’s fascinated that He told her about herself. Why doesn’t she seem upset that He called her out? Condemned her lifestyle?

God’s Love
I can only think back to when I met Jesus on a similar journey. It was time. I already knew what He was saying to me was true. I knew my issues. I had done a great job of making my life look great to everyone around me, but I couldn’t pretend to myself that life was peachy. So, when God came to confront my issues, I was ready.
Perhaps what is fascinating about God’s excursions into our lives is that He doesn’t come to condemn us. He meets us at a place where we need help and offers a solution. He already knows about our human frailties. He offers us His hand. While often our issues need to be exposed, least we think we have life all together. The pain of that wrong decision reminds us why Jesus has come to meet us.
Jesus answered, “… Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Then God teaches us the truth. God’s truth does more than point a finger at an issue. As Jesus speaks, scales fall off of our eyes and we see anew from a perspective that rearranges our priorities and informs our understanding of how the pieces of life fit. With His truth, He makes us a better friend, spouse, boss and parent. He makes us better people.
Then, leaving her water jar, the woman … said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.”
Finally, the miracle of salvation makes us want to tell everyone about our changed life. Experiencing freedom from burdens that held us captive creates a sense of joy, peace and contentment that previously escaped us. The Samaritan woman, like many of us, probably still went home the night she met Jesus to the same circumstance. But now she had options. Spiritual freedom gives us practical options. Glimpsing life through God’s eyes gives us reason to say, “Come see a man…”
Irrayna, thank you so much for sharing your encouraging words and your testimony with us. You’ve reminded us how important it is to share God’s love and talk to others about Jesus. May the Lord continue to bless you and your work for His glory.

Author’s Biography:
In Fall 1991, Irrayna met a man who was not like any other man, the God-Man Jesus. She longs to reach women with the message that changed her life. In 2004, Irrayna founded Virtuous Communications, Inc., with its online presence: gaLonline.org, to help lead women on a counter cultural journey to Christ.
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Great article. It reminds me that Jesus comes to us where we currently are in our life. We don’t have to change before we meet Him but our lives will be changed afterwards.
Sally Matheny
Hi, Maresa! You are absolutely correct. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.