Christian Living
Shall We Gather at the River?
Plannig a mission trip takes weeks of preparation. My sweet friend, Nan Jones, kindly accepted my invitation to post on my blog this week. Thank you, Nan, for blessing me with the much needed time and blessing my readers with your words of encoragement. Shall We Gather at the River? by Nan Jones Photo by Sally Matheny The mountain air gave us goosebumps. It was chilly for the first day of June. Overcast skies and occasional mist decided an even chillier river. As the water tumbled over river rock and brushed against grassy banks, the chill couldn’t dampen the hearts of the people gathered for the baptism. Tom*…
Pushing Children Out of Their Comfort Zones
Comfort Zones. We all love them. As adults, most of us have discovered the value of stretching beyond our self-imposed barriers. But, how comfortable are we with pushing our children out of their comfort zones? Maybe we need to ask ourselves a few questions. Do We Want to Build Character? When I was growing up, I don’t remember getting out of something my parents deemed important just because I was not “comfortable” with it. For example, at age nine, stacking firewood in the heat of August was not an enjoyable event for me. I didn’t like the yellow jackets, the heat, or hard labor. However, my daddy said it was…