Christian Living
The 3 R’s of Retiring Homeschool Moms
During my years as a kindergarten teacher in the public school system, the custom was to recognize retiring teachers with a reception and present them with a brass apple. So, what happens when homeschool moms retire? After 24 years of homeschooling, that’s what I’ve been pondering after officially closing our homeschool with the Dept. of Non-Public Education a few weeks ago. I’ve whittled my reflections down to 3 R’s.
I LOVE YOU, MOM! {Book Review & Giveaway}
What if you could find a meaningful greeting card and an excellent gift book all in one item for your mom? Consider this book review of the devotion book, I LOVE YOU, MOM! Plus, we have a giveaway with this one!
God’s Champions for Justice
I'm pleased to announce Gayle Veitenheimer as today's guest blogger who is sharing with us how we can be God's champions for justice--standing up for others as we follow God's Word. The last time Gayle was here, she shared with us about celebrating our children's spiritual birthdays. Enjoy today's post. And, thank you, Gayle, for sharing your thoughts with us. GOD'S CHAMPIONS FOR JUSTICE When my oldest son Ben was in high school, I prayed over him each morning. My go-to prayer for him was that he would be God's champion that day. Ben has a strong sense of justice. In class, a friend of his experienced unfair treatment by…
When It Doesn’t Feel Like Christmas
The tree is decorated, the stockings are hung, and my family is on their way to a family Christmas event. But, due to sickness, I am not with them. Perhaps, you’re in a similar situation—under the weather, a heavy burden, or deep sorrow. Is this one of those years when it doesn’t “feel” like Christmas? It often begins with the unexpected. . .
Adoption: The Blessing of Being Chosen {Guest Post by J.D. Wininger}
This week, I'm delighted to introduce to you all my Texan friend, Mr. J.D. Wininger, who is sharing with us a portion of his adoption story. November is Adoption Awareness Month. And so, around this time of year, I love featuring some special adoption stories. Each is unique and speaks to a different aspect of adoption. Adopted as a teen, Mr. J.D.'s story is enlightening and powerful.