Christian Living
Book Review and Giveaway of HOPE GIRL by Wendy Dunham
by Sally Matheny Do you remember what it was like to be twelve years old? It’s not the easiest stage in life. Often times, tweens long for their lives to be different, be better. The main character of Hope Girl, River Starling, zeroes in on several things she’d like to change. Missing Someone It’s taken most of her life to find her biological parents, now River’s number one goal is to reunite with them and become a family again. But it’s not going to be easy. Her mother has amnesia and her father is about to marry someone else! River longs to talk with her best friend, but he’s…
Wedding Day Security Checklist: The Bride’s Armor
A wedding day security checklist with the bride's armor in mind. Symbolic and scripture-infused devotion for brides.
How Should We Prepare Our Children for War?
by Sally Matheny How Should We Prepare Our Children for War? Regardless of where we stand on the issue of the military draft, it is the law that our sons, and possibly soon, even our daughters, register with the Selective Service when they turn eighteen years old. Very few want, or expect, a military draft to occur. But what if… What if the time comes when we are informed our children will definitely serve in the military? Some of us would have years to prepare, some would have only days. My son is a young teen. One day he will have to register with the Selective…
Children’s Picture Book on Abortion & Apology to Author
by Sally Matheny There’s a children’s picture book, Sister Apple, Sister Pig, causing a great disturbance among conservative Christians. The theme of the book is abortion. Thankfully, this book is only available online and isn’t readily available in your child’s library. I read the free e-book. Then I read the reviews and interviews. I can see why the response was so intense. What Makes People Angry The author, Mary Walling Blackburn, presents the topic of abortion in the form of a children’s picture book. While she says it is meant for adults, not children, it is still formatted as a children’s book and the main character…
A Rare Gem with a Rare Disease: Interview with Author/Illustrator Paige Snedeker
An interview with author/illustrator, Paige Snedeker, who suffers from a rare genetic disease but who's determined to spread stories of hope.