Christian Living
Teens + Joy = PARENTING BEYOND THE RULES (Book Review)
You read that correctly—Teens + Joy = Parenting Beyond the Rules. Those words right there make you want to read the book review, right? Do you believe it's possible to parent teens with joy? It sounds contrary to what the world tells us. Nonetheless, the full title of this 221-page, softcover book is "Parenting Beyond the Rules: Raising Teens with Confidence and Joy." Let's check it out.
When You Want to Quit Fighting Spiritual Battles
Imperfect people living in a fallen world provide a perfect environment for dissatisfaction to fester. What do you do when you want to quit fighting spiritual battles? Spiritual battles come in all forms and degrees of intensity. Regardless of the reason, sometimes we grow weary and want to quit. Have you ever wanted to quit going to church? Raised in a Christian home, I’ve been going to church my whole life. But there was a time, when I was determined I wasn’t ever going back...
Family Mission Trips: 8 Ways to Prepare
This post offers 8 ways to prepare for family mission trips. It's unifying when a family ventures together to serve others in the name of Christ. Flexibility and working as a team strengthen the family.
Book Review: OVERCOMER – Dr. David Jeremiah
What challenges are you facing right now? Are you feeling overwhelmed? If you are, this book will teach you God's strategy on how to be an overcomer. If you're not currently under attack, then this book is also for you. Now is the time to prepare because that moment will come. You know it will.
Trusting God with Our Unattainable Goals
We usually set attainable goals. Can we trust God with our humanly impossible, unattainable goals? Learn from people who did.