Kick Complacency: Focus on Skills
It’s challenging, but we can learn ways to kick complacency with a fresh focus on our skills.
Sometimes we settle–content that our skills are good enough.
We’re satisfied for a while but then something begins to nag us inside. We know in our minds, there’s always room to enhance our skills. But our flesh resists because improvement involves effort and time.
It will take our hearts and souls joining our minds in battle before we can break free of complacency.
One way to combat complacency is to fine tune our focus. What obstacles have we allowed to blur our purpose and distract us from using and/or improving our skills?
Many times, we justify the ways we manage our time because they loosely apply to our skills. If carpentry skills are your forte, perhaps you’re struggling with binge-watching home remodeling shows. If you have people-oriented skills, maybe you’ve noticed time slipping away in unproductive sessions of chit-chat. For those with computer skills, time may be slurped away on social media. And writers, well, we’re reading and following too many interesting trails, only to find useless rabbits at the end.
Regardless of our skill sets, distractions whittle away our time and diminish our dexterities.
So what are some ways we can maintain or regain our focus?
Ways to Fine Tune Our Focus
- Take our thoughts captive and ask God to help us focus on what He would have us to do.
- Keep on track by making a plan, taking action, and diligently persevering to the finish. Work toward a goal, but also be sensitive to the timing and prompting of the Holy Spirit.
- Shift our focus. This may sound contrary to what we’re discussing, but what if we are focusing our time and energy on the wrong thing? It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, it’s just not the best thing. Make a list of your skills. Seek clarity on how to best use them during this season of your life.
- Reduce distractions. This is something we all know we need to do but often we don’t get any farther than expressing it verbally. Make a list of everything that distracts and detains you from using or improving your skills. Then, write out practical things you can do to reduce those distractions. Now, the hardest part—implement them.
- Find friends who value you and your skills. Are there ways they can help you focus on honing your skills? Consider asking them to hold you accountable for reducing your distractions. These friends will be the ones who ask if you’ve turned off your electronic devices during certain hours or if you’re implementing your other action-oriented goals.
But, if you think certain people are your greatest distractions, tread carefully.

We need to pray about when to focus on others. Relationships are important. Too often we miss being present in the moment with those around us. God has placed them in our world, our community, and our personal lives for a purpose.
It’s okay to set healthy boundaries. But we want to be careful not to disengage due to thinking too highly or too poorly of ourselves.
We shouldn’t let pride, fear, or frustration affect the use of our skills.
If God places challenging people in our paths, He may want us to put our skills into practice. God will help us. and sometimes He uses other people to help us along the way.
Connect with people who mentor with wisdom and grace. Listen and learn.
Then, share. Become a humble and encouraging mentor to someone else. But never become complacent with the skills God has given you.
I encourage you to read Exodus 31-40. The LORD speaks to Moses about how He has chosen Bezalel and Oholiab by name to “make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts.” Exodus 31:4
“…See, I have chosen Bezalel… I have filled [Bezalel] with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills…
Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab… to help him. Also I have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything I have commanded you…” Exodus 31:1-6 (NIV)
Later, when Moses relays the LORD’s message to the Israelites he says, “And [the LORD] has given both [Bezalel] and Oholiab…the ability to teach others.” Exodus 35:34 (NIV)
Throughout Exodus we see God’s call not only for skilled workers but also for their willing hearts.
“The LORD said to Moses, ‘Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.” Exodus 25:1-2 (NIV)
“Tell all the skilled workers to whom I have given wisdom in such matters that they are to make garments…” Exodus 28:3
“So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person whom the LORD has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the LORD has commanded.
Then Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the LORD had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work.” Exodus 36:1-2
Perhaps we need to refocus our attention on the Giver of our abilities.
God easily could have given exquisite skills to the Israelites instantaneously. Or perhaps when He formed and fashioned them in the womb He created certain bents toward particular trades. I don’t know the Creator’s sovereign process. For most people today, to become highly skilled requires much trial, error, and practice. A lot of practice!
The Bible tells us God bestows spiritual gifts to His children. We often acquire skills to go along with those God-given gifts.
Also, scripture reminds
When we focus on that it kind of kicks complacency to the curb, doesn’t it?
We would love to hear your thoughts!
The Lord also gave Moses certain tasks to do “and so Moses finished the work.” Exodus 40:33

Kristi Butler
Wonderful post, Sally. I think I said, “Ouch!” a few times! This inspires me! Thank you!
Sally Matheny
Hi, Kristi!
Thanks for popping over for a visit. Don’t feel bad. I said “ouch” while writing it. 🙂
Reading in Exodus encouraged me so I thought I’d pass it along. May God guide and strengthen you as you press forward with the skills He has given you.
Great thoughts! I am reminded and encouraged. Thanks!
Sally Matheny
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to stop by. I’m glad you found encouragement. May God give you wisdom and perseverance where needed.