How Billy Graham’s Life and Death Influenced Me
Intending to spend only a few minutes watching the televised procession, the same thing happened as numerous times before. God has an amazing way of proclaiming His love for people through Rev. Billy Graham. So much so, it was difficult to pry away from the television.
Influence on Millions
Influence on Me
When I was growing up in the 70’s, I never attended one of Billy Graham’s crusades, but I believe my family must have watched every one that was televised in our area.
I remember one time, one of Graham’s crusades was on the T.V. while my mother was busy in the kitchen. I was sitting on the den floor watching it. My mother happened to walk in the room when I was praying the “sinner’s prayer” of repentance.
Rev. Graham often asked people to pray with him out loud, so I did. She asked me what I was doing. After telling her, she explained to me that because I chose Jesus as my Savior a year earlier, I didn’t have to keep praying for him to save me.
I understood and believed what she said, but every time I heard Billy Graham preach, he preached so powerfully, so full of the Holy Spirit, that I continued to pray that prayer at the end.
I was a young Christian. I knew I didn’t have the passion for Jesus as Billy Graham did, and I wanted that. So I kept praying!
Not Loved by All
Not everyone has appreciated Billy Graham’s fervor. Early in his career, he was thrown out of a bar for preaching the gospel. He didn’t allow discouragement to slow him down.
God allowed Rev. Graham to make mistakes. God gave him, and all of us, a free will to make our own decisions.
We can allow mistakes to harden our hearts. Or we can acknowledge our faults and turn away from repeating them. Mistakes keep us humble and remind us of our need for Christ. He stands ready to forgive and strengthen us.
Remember a repentant heart is tender. Because we’ve experienced grace, we should show grace to others, and point them to the One who restores peace.

Bold Love
Rev. Graham modeled bold faith-living. He was not afraid to speak the absolute truth of the Bible. He didn’t hedge around his beliefs based on who he was with, or how it might affect his income or his popularity.
Someone said Billy Graham began planning his funeral years ago. He knew, through the death of his earthly body, he would have one more opportunity to be a witness for Christ.