Freedom from Fear {Guest Post}
What does freedom from fear look like? My special guest this week is here to share with you her perspective.
There are so many things I like about Pammy Martin We have much in common–a love for reading, writing, and Jesus. Plus, we share the same parents. She’s my precious sister!
Freedom From Fear
Guest Post by Pammy Martin
I have been journaling since I was in the 4th grade. Every few years I get my journals out and ponder about throwing them away. Aren’t they just taking up space? However, once I begin reading them, the memories return. Then, I gently tuck the journals back into storage.
Sometimes I wonder if certain things would be better off forgotten, unwritten, unlived. But, as I look back, I see how God was moving, calling, drawing me to Him—even in the darkest and scariest times of my life.
There have been periods in my life when I felt encased by circumstances, seemingly like a impenetrable wall. Imprisoned in this darkness, I wandered in fear for a long time. And then, I was set free.
So, what does freedom from fear look like?
What Does Freedom from Fear Look Like?
To be freed by the Lord from all my fears looks like joy. It looks like contentment in the middle of confusion.
To be freed by the Lord from all my fears does not look reckless or irresponsible. It does not look like jumping off cliffs just to prove God is God.
But mostly…to be freed by the Lord means He understands my fears and -in that understanding- I find peace.
Parental Comfort
If you are a parent, I am sure you have had nights when you hear the patter of little feet come running into your room during a loud thunderstorm. When my boys were little they would crawl into the bed with us when lightning cracked loud against the sky.
And once in our presence, with our arms about them, they quickly fell asleep. Nothing changed about the storm itself; it still raged on just as loud. They rested because we understood their fears and we comforted them.

God’s Comfort
God longs to draw us up under His arms like a mother hen with chicks or a parent with a child in a thunderstorm. All we have to do is call on the Name of Jesus and we shall be saved. The Word of God says it; testimonies prove it. In my life I have tried to deal with fear in a variety of ways…and nothing worked. Until I came to my Creator who fully understands me and who put His Holy Spirit in and around me. Now when fear comes (and it still comes) I have my answer. His name is Jesus.
So for those who may feel they are in the darkest times of their lives, without hope, scared and lost with no direction. I want to tell you: THERE IS HOPE! DO NOT GIVE UP!
“I sought the LORD [on the authority of His word], and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears.” Psalms 34:4 AMP

Pammy Martin
Music and writing are the ways Pammy Martin communicates best about what Jesus is doing in her life. Writing songs on the guitar and sharing them, singing and playing the keyboard for her church’s praise team, studying God’s Word, and homeschooling keep her busy. You’ll find more of her thoughts posted at God is in the Whisper. Pammy is a member of the Southern Songwriters’ Association and also teaches guitar. She lives in the foothills of NC where she enjoys hiking and biking with her husband and their two wonderful sons.