Excellent Christian Entertainment – NarroWay Theater
by Sally Matheny
Are you looking for something different, highly entertaining, and yet wholesome in nature where you can enjoy a night out with your family or friends?
Not long ago, I discovered such a place. I wanted to surprise my sweet hubby by taking him somewhere we’ve never been before. Researching online, I stumbled across NarroWay Theatre, located in Fort Mill, S.C., just outside of Charlotte, N.C.
Not Just Another Love Story
The nonprofit theater presents original, Broadway-style shows. At that time, what caught my eye was the WWII-theme production they were putting on called Not Just Another Love Story. I love the history of the WWII era and my husband loves the music, so I purchased our tickets online.
Patrons have the option to add a meal to their theater tickets. The meals vary. For this show, it was a chicken plate with sides and cherry pie for dessert. Performers serve the guests at their seats on pull-up trays. I thought it would be fun, so I added two dinner tickets.
When we arrived at the theater, we were warmly greeted by the performers and ushered to our reserved seats. Unfortunately, I had a migraine that night, but I was determined not to let it dampen our night. The woman who led us to our seats learned of my headache and asked if she could pray for me. How many hosts at entertainment venues do that? I felt blessed.
Even before the show began, my husband smiled broadly and said, “Thank you for bringing me here!” We knew by the atmosphere and the people we were in for a treat.
After the meal, the production began and what a treat it was! Incredibly talented performers presented a musical with two intertwining storylines. One about a love story during WWII and the other about Hosea from the Bible.
The acting, singing, period costumes, and the multiple stage set designs were excellent.

Other Treats
Oh, and you’ve got to try their delicious ice cream floats. The homemade fried apple pies will give even the best of your family recipes a run for their money. I’m not exaggerating. If you’re within a day’s drive of Charlotte, N.C., you should go.
The performances are always changing. Most will run for one to three months. I really wanted to see The Gospel According to Tennessee but forgot and missed it. Sampson is running now. Lord of Light sounds like a good one for October—not sure if it’s suited for your littlest ones but I bet the teens would enjoy it.
The description of Lord of Light on the NarroWay website says,
“From creation to Revelation, “Lord of Light” is an action-packed, one-of-a-kind portrayal of the unseen battle in heavenly realms. With aerial artists, stunning blacklight effects and sword-wielding angels and demons, this show is a physical representation of what happened spiritually during the three days Jesus was in the tomb. All Hell really does break loose in this sensational thriller!
The production company offers discount days and has special performances and activities for kids. Many of the
shows involve live animals, so there’s usually a lamb you can pet or a camel you can ride if weather permits.

For More Information
You can check out NarroWay’s mission statement and learn more about them on their website.
I think it’s important we support Christian creatives in their work, don’t you? Think what the world would be like without any Christ-honoring books, movies, or performances.
Please share with us!
Is there something like the NarroWay Theatre in your area? What other Christian entertainment venues do you know about?