YOUR MARRIAGE GOD’S WAY – Book Review {and Giveaway}
Whether you’re engaged, a newlywed, or a seasoned spouse, you’ll want to check out Scott LaPierre’s book, YOUR MARRIAGE GOD’S WAY: A Biblical Guide to a Christ-Centered Relationship. This review and giveaway also includes the companion workbook.
This 250-page softcover book, published by Harvest House Publishers, is a nonfiction Christian book written by a pastor.
The Author
Scott LaPierre is the senior pastor at Woodland Christian Church, a nondenominational church, located in the state of Washington. Biblical-based marriage is a topic LaPierre has extensively preached on, counseled couples about, and addressed as a conference speaker.
Before he became a pastor, LaPierre was a schoolteacher and coached football and wrestling teams. Prior to all that, he served in the Army as an Armor (Tank) Officer.
His educational background includes earning these degrees:
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Florida Institute of Technology
Master of Arts in Education from Chapman University
Master of Arts in Religion: Biblical Studies from Liberty University
LaPierre and his wife homeschool their eight children. Their ninth blessing is due this month. The LaPierres have a good understanding of what it takes to make a marriage thrive—doing it God’s way.
“God designed the family as the primary unit for every aspect of society, including the church. And marriage is the heart of the family.
The marriage relationship is one of the greatest tools believers have for sharing about Christ with others because it is a picture of Jesus and His relationship to the church. Godly marriages can reveal Christ to an unbelieving world.”
-Scott LaPierre, Your Marriage God’s Way, p. 10
The book is divided into eight parts:
Recognize That . . .
Creation of Marriage and the Fall (Genesis 1 – 3)
Understanding Love
A Husband’s Call to Agape and a Wife’s Call to Respect (Ephesians 5:25-33)
Understanding Submission
A Wife’s Beauty and a Husband’s Treatment (1 Peter 3:1-7)
A Biblical View of Intimacy (1 Corinthians 7:1-6)
A Strong Foundation (Matthew 7:24-27)

when it’s based on God’s Way.
There are numerous books on marriage covering similar topics. However, LaPierre provides fresh examples based on people he has counseled as well as his own marriage. He addresses some of the more difficult topics and provides practical steps couples can take towards a healthier, happier marriage, God’s way.
The book addresses husbands and wives. And, yes, there are moments when God’s Word speaks to the error of our way of thinking, our way of behaving. LaPierre encourages couples to “embrace the struggle” because God can use it for our good.
Also, it may be tempting to fiercely point out where our spouses are falling short. The author reminds us that the goal is to “improve marriage relationships, not arm people for WWIII.”
3 Encouraging Guidelines for Couples
On pages 25-26, LaPierre encourages couples to go by these guidelines as they go through the book:
- We all have plenty of weaknesses that need to be addressed. Instead of keeping a mental record of all that your spouse does wrong, remind yourself of your own struggles and failures as a spouse.
- Ask yourself: How can I encourage my spouse to fulfill the role God has given him/her? Is there anything I can do that will make being married to me easier? If you cannot think of any answers to these questions, you are not thinking hard enough. And if there’s a possibility you may be prideful about how “good” of a spouse you are, you’ll want to repent of that.
- Whenever you start to become frustrated at your spouse, turn your frustrations into prayer. Yield your feelings of hurt, betrayal, or disappointment to God, and pray that He will help you be as forgiving and gracious as necessary. When it comes to our spouses, most people—me included—are far more likely to complain, gossip, yell, threaten, pout, or ignore than to pray. If we would spend as much time praying for our spouse as we do getting frustrated with him or her, our marriages would be much better.
The book is a wonderful tool on its own. However, people can also buy the workbook, which coincides with each chapter of the book. The author mentions that couples can read the book together, but he encourages husbands and wives to work through the workbook questions separately. Then, come together and discuss your answers.
The workbook is a place to evaluate what you give and receive in your marriage by answering specific questions. Readers are encouraged to crucify their own “flesh” and focus on how their spouse feels. There are tips on how to apologize the right way and how to forgive well.
Prayer is encouraged in the reading book as well as in the workbook but no specific prayers are given.
If you’re not familiar with God’s design for marriage and what He says about the roles of husband and wife in the Bible, then this book will definitely help you understand those things.
If you know what the Bible says, but are having a difficult time applying God’s Word in your marriage, then this book offers practical suggestions.
Even if you and your spouse are spiritually mature and have a strong, biblically-based marriage, you’ll still discover interesting tidbits and fresh reminders in YOUR MARRIAGE GOD’S WAY. I did, and I’ve been married for over thirty years.
I appreciated LaPierre’s courageous biblical-based writing and found his principles grounded in the statement of faith he posts on his website.
This book set would be a great tool for pastors to use when counseling couples. The book would be a helpful resource in church libraries. In addition, it would make an excellent engagement, wedding, or anniversary gift.
A big thanks to the publisher and the author for sending a free copy of YOUR MARRIAGE GOD’S WAY and the accompanying workbook to use as giveaways. We love giveaways!
We’ll do this in our traditional manner. On Oct. 3, 2021, we’ll randomly select the winning name from our list of email subscribers. One winner will win both books! As always, there is no cost to you.
In the meantime, you ALL can get LaPierre’s free e-book: Seven Biblical Insights for Healthy, Joyful Christ-Centered Marriages.
Your Thoughts?
What are your thoughts about living out a marriage God’s way? Do you have one or two pieces of biblical-based advice you’d offer to newlyweds?
I received a FREE copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

A freelance writer, Sally Matheny’s writing is published in worldwide, national, regional, online and print publications including Appleseeds, Clubhouse Jr., Homeschooling Today, Practical Homeschooling, and The Old Schoolhouse. As a writer, blogger, and speaker, Sally encourages parents to live victorious and to courageously tell the next generation wondrous things. Connect with her on several social media sites, but her favorite hangouts are at SallyMatheny.com and Pinterest.

This sounds like a thoughtful and bibically based book that will be helpful for many couples! A bibical view of marriage and the family is so important. Thank you for reviewing it, Sally!
Sally Matheny
Hi, Kathy. Thanks for stopping by. You’re right, a biblical view of marriage is vital if we want to overcome the spiritual battles and strengthen our relationships.
Scott LaPierre
Thank you for reading, reviewing, and doing a giveaway with Your Marriage God’s Way!
I am praying God uses the book and workbook to strengthen marriages and exalt Christ.
If anyone reads this review and has any questions or I can pray for you in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through the contact page on my website: https://www.scottlapierre.org/contact/.
In Christ,
Sally Matheny
It was a delight to read and review your book. I, too, pray God continues to use the book, your ministry, and your own marriage to reflect His great love and the truths of His Word.
Thank you for reaching out and offering to pray with those who stop by here.
Have a joyful day.
Thanks for the review! This book would be a wonderful book to give as a wedding or engagement gift! Starting off “God’s way” is so important; and even when you have that desire, it can often be challenging to know how to live it out. I appreciate practical guidance from a biblical perspective.
Scott LaPierre
Agreed :). If you’d like some signed copies to give as gifts, please reach out to me: https://www.scottlapierre.org/contact/.
Sally Matheny
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Meriana. You nailed it when you said, “even when you have that desire, it can often be challenging to know how to live it out.” There is great joy in marriage, but it is a God-sized task! 🙂