If you’re looking for an adventurous, Christian biography for children ages 9 -12, then you’ll want to check out this MARY SLESSOR MISSIONARY MOTHER book review. Plus, there’s a giveaway with this one!
The Author: Terri B. Kelly
If Terri Kelly’s name sounds familiar to you, it may be because we have a review of another book she’s written, IDA SCUDDER MISSIONARY DOCTOR.
MARY SLESSOR is Kelly’s first book published by Journey Forth. IDA SCUDDER is her second book.
As a writer, Kelly has contributed to several books, including Divine Moments, Faith and Family and Spirit and Heart. Terri has published articles in Kids’ Ark Magazine, Clubhouse, WHOA Magazine, Asheville Lifestyles, and numerous online publications. In addition, she is a teacher at writing conferences and assistant director of Asheville Christian Writers Conference in Asheville, North Carolina.
Kelly and her husband live in North Carolina. They have two children.
In addition to her website, you can connect with Kelly via her Facebook page.
“Promise you will be our mother, our Ma.” Women cried and children clung to Mary.
Mary knew addressing someone with the title of mother was the greatest compliment an African could give any woman. The trip had been hard but worthwhile. She was seeing her dream come true before her eyes–God at work in the lives of those who had never heard about Him before.”
Mary Slessor Missionary Mother by Terri B. Kelly
There are twenty-seven, short, easy-to-read chapters in this Christian biography.
Approximately, seven pencil-sketched illustrations grace the pages. The illustrator, Craig Orback, did an excellent job illustrating the life of Mary Slessor.
In addition to the illustrator, the author also grabs young readers’ attention. The story begins with the Scottish, nine-year-old, Mary Slessor helping her mother take care of the younger children. Mary and her brother talk about pastors and missionaries. Even at this young age, Mary is already dreaming of becoming a missionary to Africa.
The childhood years are challenging for Mary. Her father is an alcoholic and has a hard time keeping a job. Consequently, Mary must join her mother working in the mill to help make ends meet.
Eventually, God opens the door for Mary to become a missionary. The book includes stories of Mary’s courage and faith as she ventures deep into Africa to share the gospel.
Not only does she encounter malaria, but also violent tribes, cannibals, witch doctors, and treacherous traveling conditions through the jungles.
Over time, Mary learns the language and earns the respect of the people. In addition to serving as a Christian missionary, Mary serves as a British vice consul. She sets out to end the long superstition of twins being evil and make it unlawful to kill them at birth. “Ma” Slessor adopts many abandoned children and finds loving families for others. She also helps the mistreated women in the tribes.
Ultimately, Mary Slessor works diligently as a missionary in Africa for thirty-nine years.
Is she awarded for her service? Does she find the love of a husband? What happens with her children? You’ll have to read the book to find out!
Additionally, if you like, you can take a sneak peek inside the book at the website of Journey Forth Books.

Recommendation & Giveaway
I recommend this book for ages 9 – 13. Also, it makes a great read-aloud for ages 7-8. The fast-paced story will enlighten, entertain, and inspire young readers. Furthermore, they’ll learn how Mary Slessor became one of the most cherished “mother” missionaries in the history of Scotland and Africa.
Plus, there’s great news! We have a copy of this book for a giveaway. Yay! We love giveaways!
A winner will be selected from this blog’s email subscriber list on Feb. 11, 2022 and then contacted via email. There is no shipping cost or anything required from the winner. All we need is a mailing address for where you’d like us to send the book.
You can find further information at Christian Book Distributors by clicking on the affiliate links below:
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Mary Slessor: Missionary Mother The daughter of a drunken mill worker, Mary Slessor wondered how God can possibly use her. But God was preparing her for more than she knew. With His power and a personality to match her fiery red hair, Mary stands up to chiefs, adopts abandoned children, and slowly begins to change the hearts of the people she worked with. Prayer and determination pave Mary’s path to trusting God and becoming one of the most cherished missionary “mothers” in the history of Scotland and the world. Ages 9-12. 176 pages, softcover. |
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Ida Scudder: Missionary Doctor |

A freelance writer, Sally Matheny’s writing is published in worldwide, national, regional, online and print publications including Appleseeds, Clubhouse Jr., Homeschooling Today, and The Old Schoolhouse.
As a writer, blogger, and speaker, Sally encourages parents to live victorious and to courageously tell the next generation wondrous things. Connect with her on several social media sites, but her favorite hangouts are at SallyMatheny.com and Pinterest.

Thanks, Sally, for this review of a book about Mary Slessor. She was such an amazing missionary, and I’m glad to see a book about her for MG kids!
Sally Matheny
Hi, Kathy. I hope you are doing well. Yes, she was amazing. Her strength and courage inspired me. She showed great trust in the Lord.
Marilyn Nutter
Thanks for sharing this. I’m looking for missionary stories and biographies for my grands.
Sally Matheny
Hey, Marilyn! I hope you are doing well. You are such a wonderful grandmother to provide your grands with such meaningful books. 🙂 Terri B. Kelly’s books are great choices. Also, you may want to check out some of my reviews on YWAM books as well. Just check the Book Reviews tab at the top.