LOVED BABY Book Review and Giveaway
Do you know someone who has experienced a miscarriage or infant death? Are you at a loss of how to comfort them? Consider this book review of LOVED BABY: 31 Devotions Helping You Grieve and Cherish Your Child After Pregnancy Loss.
Perhaps you’ve experienced a loss and someone’s words of “comfort” fell short. Everyone reacts differently when they hear the news.
I am 1 in 4
I felt great when I went for my twelve-week pregnancy check-up. Surprised that the doctor wanted to do an ultrasound, I wished I had asked my husband or someone to come enjoy it with me.
On the ultrasound, I saw the profile of our baby’s sweet face. His elbow was bent with his hand up. Five perfectly shaped fingers extended as if to say, “Hi.”
Or “Bye.”
His body was still. His heart, silent. Our beloved baby had been welcomed into heaven.
And I was ushered into the first stage of grief. In the coming weeks, I experienced something I had never fully understood. My perception of what women go through after a miscarriage changed drastically.
October is designated as “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.” It’s estimated that one in every four American women experiences pregnancy loss. Just as all mothers’ birthing stories are unique, so are the journeys of those who experience pregnancy and infant loss.
Sarah Philpott has penned a new book, LOVED BABY, which addresses nearly every aspect of this journey.
The Author, Sarah Philpott
She’s not a medical doctor, but she’s used the research skills, gained while earning her doctorate in education, to enlighten readers about the various facets of pregnancy and infant loss.
Philpott expresses empathy by sharing her own story of two miscarriages. Also, she offers encouragement by sharing her heart for Jesus.
Additionally, you can find her encouraging others by blogging at allamericanmom.net while raising a family with her husband in Tennessee.
Thirty-one Devotions
Loved Baby is a hardcover book containing thirty-one “devotions.” Some have one Bible verse while others include several scriptures. At the end of every chapter is a short prayer such as,
Lord, I pray for peace to fill my soul, for I know my child is in heaven. Amen.
Also, at the end of each chapter is something called “Soul Work.” One or two suggestions are given to the reader. A few examples of these are:
Do you have answers to your loss? Do you have further questions? Write them down. Schedule a time to speak with your healthcare provider or conduct a preliminary research from reputable sites. (Soul Work for devotion #7)
Write down every hurtful comment on a single sheet of paper. Get a marker and mark them out. Then throw out the paper. Now, write down every single thing someone did that showed kindness. It might be something as simple as a hug or a sympathetic glance. Meditate on these acts of love. (Soul Work for devotion #12)
Some “Soul Work” sections suggest getting into God’s Word.
Reread Job 3:11-19. Underline all the words that describe heaven. It can be helpful to visualize your child in heaven. Who is there with your child? Write a letter to them asking them to watch over your little one. (Soul Work for devotion #14)
Biblical accuracy may be questioned on the last one, but what I gather from these “Soul Work” sections, and from the rest of the book, is that Philpott wishes to meet women wherever they are in their spiritual walk.
Topics Addressed in LOVED BABY
Initially, chapters deal with anger, hurt, and confusion after a miscarriage. Brief comments from other women who’ve experienced loss are sprinkled throughout the book as well. Readers may not identify with all the emotions presented, but they’ll come away with a greater understanding of just how varied responses to grief can be.
A large portion of the devotions is more informational, than meditational.
Hence, some of the topics addressed are: dealing with emotions and changes in the body, communicating with family members and with medical providers, how to deal with social media, Mother’s Day, and receiving promotional mail for baby products; plus, a multitude of other topics readers may not have considered. Philpott covers it all.
However, as the book progresses, I notice an increasing emphasis on trusting and building a relationship with Jesus Christ. The book ends with a call to accept the saving grace of Jesus.
This book confirms that when dealing with pregnancy loss, there is no one-consolation-fits-all. There is no pat answer that will comfort every person in every situation. Everyone grieves and heals differently.
Loved Baby would be a good book to give to someone who is struggling after a miscarriage. I think it would especially appeal to those who are new to the Christian faith or to those who may not know of the comfort, hope, and joy that only Christ can give them.
Many parents find comfort through a special remembrance of their little one. Some plant trees, some start a charity, and some release balloons on the due date. Another way to remember their loved babies is to wear a special piece of jewelry.
Fashion and Compassion, a company that gives a portion of their sales to various causes, is offering a special, “loved” baby bracelet with the Loved Baby book through the month of October, 2017.
Also, the publisher sent me two copies of the book, so I have one to give away to one of you. All you have to do to enter the drawing, is leave a comment below.
Share about anything you like. Here are just a few ideas:
What would you do with the book, Loved Baby, if you win it? (keep it, give it away, place it in a library?)
Perhaps share briefly your own miscarriage story. Did you find certain things to help in your healing or are you still struggling?
I look forward to hearing from you. A winner will be randomly selected in on October 20, 2017.
I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
WINNER OF BOOK: FB commenter, JENNIFER C. of Lincolnton, N.C. Congratulations!

A freelance writer, Sally Matheny’s writing is published in worldwide, national, regional, online and print publications including Appleseeds, Clubhouse Jr., Homeschooling Today, and The Old Schoolhouse.
As a writer, blogger, and speaker, Sally encourages parents to live victorious and to courageously tell the next generation wondrous things. Connect with her on several social media sites, but her favorite hangouts are at SallyMatheny.com and Pinterest.