MEMORY MAKING MOM: Book Review & Giveaway
How many of you enjoy giving your kids “memories for roots and love for wings?” If so, then you’ll want to take a look at this book review of Memory Making Mom: Building Traditions That Breathe Life into Your Home, by Jessica Smartt. Plus, there's a giveaway this week. And, if you’ve just belted out a snort of laughter, because you’ve got the family love rooted, but it’s the memory making that seems to be what’s fluttering away—then hang on! Seriously. Who has time to build beautiful traditions and make precious memories? If you read my post on journaling about our children, then you know, life can get a little…
Preserve Pancake Kisses by Journaling
If you no longer have a baby nuzzling your neck, or a toddler clutching your knee, you’ll truly appreciate this post. Even so, this is a special post for young moms encouraging them to preserve the sticky pancake kisses by journaling. I understand how it is with little ones. Some days you think you have no time to take a shower, much less find time to write in a journal! But, when you can, jot quick notes here and there, because even a sticky pancake kiss will slip from your memory one day. However, if you have taken the time, years down the road, the sweet aroma of your child's…
When You Want to Quit Fighting Spiritual Battles
Imperfect people living in a fallen world provide a perfect environment for dissatisfaction to fester. What do you do when you want to quit fighting spiritual battles? Spiritual battles come in all forms and degrees of intensity. Regardless of the reason, sometimes we grow weary and want to quit. Have you ever wanted to quit going to church? Raised in a Christian home, I’ve been going to church my whole life. But there was a time, when I was determined I wasn’t ever going back...
Review-ARTistic Pursuits Inc.
Since art and history are two subjects my son and I both enjoy, we were excited when given the opportunity to review ARTistic Pursuits Inc.: Art in America (Vol. 8).
Family Mission Trips: 8 Ways to Prepare
This post offers 8 ways to prepare for family mission trips. It's unifying when a family ventures together to serve others in the name of Christ. Flexibility and working as a team strengthen the family.