Bring Your Bible to School Day
The first Thursday of October is designated as “Bring Your Bible to School Day.” The first event was launched in 2014 by Focus on the Family. The purpose of it is to encourage Christian students to live out their faith and remind them of their freedom of speech and religion.
Our world contains 195 independent countries, approximately 60 dependent areas, and five disputed territories. Bibles are not readily available nor welcome in all of those places.
According to Open Doors USA, the following countries are where Christians endure the most severe persecution for their faith:
1. North Korea
2. Iraq
3. Eritrea
4. Afghanistan
5. Syria
6. Pakistan
7. Somalia
8. Sudan
9. Iran
10. Libya
Bibles in their native languages are banned in many of these countries. Persecution includes oppression, imprisonment, and death.
While we sympathize, many of us choose to isolate ourselves from the terrors abroad. After all, those countries are far away from us.
A watchlist of 195 countries that persecute Christians exists. Guess which country ranked #40 on the list?
Our next-door neighbor, Mexico. That totally surprised me.
Visit Open Doors USA and Voice of the Martyrs for better understanding and to learn ways to help.
America’s Religious Freedom
But what does all this have to do with our country and “Bring Your Bible to School Day”? Americans enjoy religious freedom. Right?
Absolutely–especially compared to those countries listed on the Open Door’s Watch List.
Yet, we frequently hear news of rebuked American Christians facing dismissal and fines for standing firm in their beliefs.
Christian youth are not exempt.
There are reports of elementary, middle, and high school teachers trying to shame students for reading their Bibles during free time. A time when other students have a free choice of reading materials.
College students have been asked to write the name of Jesus on a piece of paper and stomp on it.
And it’s not just the Christians who are noticing the mistreatment. Atheist Greg Lukianoff wrote an interesting article for Forbes about his observance of “a sustained effort to punish evangelicals or push them off campus to a degree that would never be tolerated if aimed at other religious groups.”
He mentions one American university’s dormitory Resident Assistants who were banned from leading Bible study meetings in their own rooms on their own time. Two other American universities are telling Christian students they can’t be recognized as student groups because their beliefs “discriminate” against non-Christians.

What are America’s Christians to do?
First, do not be dismayed or overcome by the world’s taunting. The Bible tells us to expect such treatment. Be joyful and thankful as we trust the Lord to work good through it all. Continue to pray for His will to be done.
Next, we must repent of our sinful ways if we’re intentionally compromising God’s perfect and Holy Word.
Pray for wisdom and courage to share the love of Jesus.
Also, we must trust God when He calls us to speak up.
Even though legal and public pressure will increase, we must diligently exercise the freedoms we still have.
We must teach the next generation their legal rights and model how to exercise them respectfully.
Encourage Christian youth to have positive and caring conversations with unbelievers. Support youth who wish to participate in events such as “Bring Your Bible to School Day.”
Together, pray for wisdom and courage in sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Someone’s eternal life may depend on it.
Your thoughts?

Totally agree. We have to be bold in our witness as we stand up for the truth in God's Word. Pray daily for courage and strength, especially for our youth.
Sally Matheny
Thanks for stopping by. We appreciate your words of encouragement and for joining us in prayer.