3 Ways Our Words Can Make a Difference
Whether you’re an aspiring writer/speaker, or not, I believe we all want our words to make a difference in the world. We want our words to be meaningful to our coworkers, our employers, and in our communities. But, also, we long for our words to make a difference in the lives of our friends and our families. How can we overcome our fears and use our words to make a difference?
We've all had those moments when we wish we had something more to offer to those who are grieving. Now, we have Edie Melson’s book, SOUL CARE WHEN YOU’RE GRIEVING. Find out why reading this book prompted me to get copies for four friends whose husbands passed away this year.
Make Jesus the Center of Every Family Celebration
Bible teacher, speaker, and author, Kathy Howard, guest posts on how to make Jesus the center of every family celebration. "A few years ago, while speaking at a ladies’ Christmas event, something unexpected happened. I had planned to read portions of the Christmas story from Matthew and Luke. But as I began to read . . ."
HEIRLOOM: Devotional Book Review {& Giveaway}
In order to leave a legacy, you’ve got to own it first. You’ll find inspiration for doing that in HEIRLOOM: Living and Leaving a Legacy of Faith, written by Kathy Howard. This devotional book review includes a giveaway, and the book would make a lovely gift for someone special . . .
Remember and Reconnect Challenge
Usually, in November, we list the things for which we are thankful. In addition to giving thanks to God, I plan to do something a little different. I hope you'll join me and and take the November Remember & Reconnect Challenge. Initially, I just issued this challenge on a few social media outlets. However, there was such a favorable response, I thought I'd share it on the blog as well. Because the more people who choose to do this, the better. I want to challenge us all to remember and reconnect with someone we've not talked with in awhile. Encourage and uplift them. The world will always offer negativity. Let's…