When to Tell Kids the Truth About Santa
I remember the day I learned the truth about Santa Claus. Do you remember when you discovered Santa wasn’t real? Did you figure it out on your own, or did someone tell you? Perhaps you finally pinned your parents down and demanded the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Now that you’re a parent, perhaps you’re wondering when and how to break the news to your kids. I have some suggestions for you to consider.
Lilibet the Brave: Book Review
On September 8, 2022, “Lilibet” passed away at age ninety-six. If you want to share with your children about her fascinating life before she became Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning British monarch in history, then Lilibet the Brave is the book for you. (Plus, I created a free activity printable for your princess-in-training).
Back-to-School Picture Book to Inspire All Students: The Kid Who Changed the World
Are you looking for a book that will inspire your students as they begin a new school year? Let me introduce you to The Kid Who Changed the World, written by Andy Andrews. Although this 40-page picture book is primarily written for children ages four to eight, it will certainly inspire children of all ages.
Summer is almost here. If you’ve not heard it already, you know it won’t be long before you hear a little one say, “I’m bored.” Consider reading THE WONDER OF UNDER book to set your preschoolers’ imagination sailing. The Author Cindy Lynn Sawyer is a freelance writer and graphic designer. In 2023, she launched Designed2Glow with the mission to help kids to “Go and be the Light Of the World” (G.L.O.W.) through her writing. She has written for publications, such as Clubhouse and Clubhouse, Jr. magazines. In addition to writing, Sawyer is also an advocate for . . .
5 Tips for Becoming a Writer After Age 40
Are you over forty and wondering if it’s too late to become a writer? I was forty-six years old when I began writing for publications. If you enjoy writing and would like to pursue publication, I’d like to encourage you with five tips. But first, let’s address the question of how to begin.