5 Simple Steps for Using Faith-Based Picture Books to Point Little Ones to God
It is a pleasure to have award-winning author, Laura Sassi, guest posting today. I’ve reviewed several of her delightful books on the blog before such as LOVE IS KIND, DIVA DELORES AND THE OPERA HOUSE MOUSE, and LITTLE EWE. In this post, Laura uses examples from LITTLE EWE as she shares 5 simple steps for using faith-based picture books to point our little ones to God.
Guest Post by Laura Sassi
At my school visits this spring, both virtual and in-person, I’ve noticed that little ones quickly pick up on several things when we LITTLE EWE together. First, they immediately identify with Little Ewe, the sweet protagonist, who is so keen to explore the world around her, despite the Shepherd’s call. Second, they are very sad when Little Ewe gets lost and overjoyed when she is found again. This concept of being lost and then found is a big deal in their life experience and something almost all can relate to. Finally, almost intuitively, they seem to understand the book is somehow “about God.”
All this reminds me what a precious opportunity we have, as our children’s shepherds, to point them to Jesus and God using picture books, such as LITTLE EWE, as the conversation spark. With that in mind, here are five simple steps for using faith-based picture books to point little ones to Jesus and God.

5 Steps for Using Faith-Based Picture Books
- Step # 1: Think ahead of time what faith principles are best drawn from the picture book at hand. With LITTLE EWE, for example, you could talk about God’s faithful care of us or how He wants to find us when we are spiritually lost.
- Step #2: Read the story with the goal to enjoy it! The faith message you want to instill will come later, but you don’t want to make it so heavy-handed that the pure joy of reading the story is lost. So, for example, as you read LITTLE EWE, enjoy counting along as she explores her world. Pause along the way to explore the illustrations and ponder together how Little Ewe might be feeling as she gets further and further from Shepherd.
- Step #3: Connect the story to their world. This step is intertwined with the one above. Both as you read the story and after as you ponder it, ask your little ones questions that will connect them to the story. For example, with LITTLE EWE, you might ask, “Have you ever been lost?” “How did it feel to be found?” “Who are the shepherds in your life?” Trust me, these will generate lots of great discussions.
- Step #4: Move from the concrete to the spiritual with a simple question or two. This is when you will draw on your goal that you set in step one. The questions will vary, of course, depending on the book you have read together. For LITTLE EWE, your questions could be, “Who do you think is the greatest shepherd of all?” and “Why do you think Jesus wants to find us when we are lost?” “What do we have to do?” (Listen to His call and obey!) “Why?” (Because He loves us!)
- Step #5: Wrap up your special storytime in prayer, thanking God for stories like, LITTLE EWE, or whatever books you are reading, that remind us about Jesus and His love for us. This is a sweet opportunity both to model prayer with your child and to let them add to the prayer in their words.
Additional Note
Laura, thank you for sharing these 5 steps with us on how to point children to God using picture books. May the Lord continue to bless you and the work of your hands.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share these steps, Sally. I hope they are a blessing to your readers. If readers want more extension activities ideas for my picture books, including LITTLE EWE, LOVE IS KIND and others, they can be found under the “Books” tab on my blog: https://laurasassitales.wordpress.com.

Laura Sassi
Laura Sassi has a passion for telling stories in prose and rhyme. She is the author of five picture books including the best-selling Goodnight, Ark, which was a 2015 Christian Book Award Finalist; Goodnight, Manger; Diva Delores and the Opera House Mouse, which won First Honor Book for the 2019 Best in Rhyme Award; Love Is Kind, which was a 2020 Anna Dewdney Read Together Award Honor Book; and Little Ewe: The Story of One Lost Sheep. Her next book, Bunny Finds Easter, will release in 2022. In addition to books, she’s published over one hundred poems, stories, crafts, and articles in various children’s publications.
Laura would love to connect with you! You can find her at:
