HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY KIDS Book Review & Giveaway
It’s time to get happy because we have a HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY STORIES FOR KIDS book review and a giveaway!
This is a Duck Commander book. But it doesn’t matter whether the readers are knowledgeable about hunting or even if they’re fans of the famed Duck Commander Robertson family. Every child will be able to relate to the experiences and emotions presented in the HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY STORIES FOR KIDS.
The Audience & the Authors
This hardcover book, published by Tommy Nelson, contains 210 pages and is written for an audience of four- to eight-year-olds.
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY STORIES FOR KIDS is written by Korie Robertson and her mom, Chrys Howard. Both are award-winning authors but what adds value to this devotion book is the years of experience they’ve had with children—lots of children!
Of course, their Christian faith also plays a crucial role since this is a book of “fun and faith-filled stories.”
The Content
All of the stories included are based on “mostly true” events. There are stories about the childhood experiences of the four sons of Phil and Kay Robertson. Also, there are stories about
Each chapter features a story followed by three sections.
“What Does the Bible Say?” is usually one or more scripture verses that tie in to the teaching point of the story.
“Let’s Talk About It” presents questions about the story and one question for the readers to apply to their own lives. There are lines provided if they want to write down their answers.
“Duck Commander in Action” provides “steps to put into practice the biblical application of the story.”
Also, there are a few lined pages at the back of the book for a child to write his/her own story.
Children can relate to the topics in each story. A few of those topics cover getting along with others, dealing with fears, adjusting to changes, making good choices, and growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
I found a website set up for this book. You’ll find a free preview of one of the book’s chapters there.

Happy Illustrations
This is a book with colorful illustrations on every page. Readers will find people with various skin colors and a variety of animals including dogs, deer, and of course, ducks.
I don’t know if Willie Robertson wore his signature red, white, and blue bandana when he was a boy. But I thought it was cute how the illustrator, Holli Conger, included it in her illustrations of the young Willie in the book.
Her illustration of Phil in his recliner is spot-on!
Happy to Recommend
I recommend this book for families wanting to use realistic and entertaining stories to teach biblical values. I think these stories will certainly help boys and girls to be happy, happy, happy.

I’ve got a copy of HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY STORIES FOR KIDS to give away. I’ll randomly pull a name off my email subscriber list on February 22, 2019.
If you’re on my email list AND you leave a comment here, your name will be added twice!
I will pay all shipping costs but due to the postage increase, this will have to be limited to residents of the 48 contiguous United States.
What to comment? Something encouraging, or tell us 3 things that make your children/grandchildren happy!
Duck Commander Happy, Happy, Happy Stories for Kids |
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. Also, this post may contain affiliate links to the ChristianBook Group.

Cathy Biggerstaff
My children are adults now, but we all enjoy getting together and having fun together with the grandkids. If course, eating is a big part of any get together, and telling stories about each other always brings a hearty laugh to fill the room.
Sally Matheny
Hi, Cathy! Family get-togethers are special times. Keep telling the kids and grandkids your stories–especially the true ones. They’ll cherish and possibly learn from those. Thanks for stopping by and sharing with us.
This looks like such a cute book!
Sally Matheny
Hey, Kym. It is a very cute book. But it contains meaty content for kids to learn spiritual truths. Some kids’ books are more fluff than meat. This one has lots to offer for little ones to chew on while still being colorful and entertaining.
Thanks for popping over for a visit! 🙂
I’m thinking this is a devotional for kids? Perhaps even one that’s well done?
Sally Matheny
Hi, Annette. Yes, it is a well done devotional book for kids. Each chapter features a story followed by “What Does the Bible Say?” which is usually one or more scripture verses that tie in to the teaching point.
“Let’s Talk About It” includes questions about the story and how readers can apply what they’ve learned to their own lives.
“Duck Commander in Action” offers suggestions on how to apply the biblical truths.
Looks like a great book! When we still had television we really enjoyed the tv show.
Sally Matheny
Hi, Dawn. I’m glad you stopped by! While the stories may be about some of the people you saw on the TV show, it is about experiences they had when they were children. The stories in the devotional book are written for children about things all children encounter such as fears, adjusting to a move, cooperation, growing in their faith and knowledge of Christ, and more. 🙂