How to Plan a Personal Homeschool Graduation Ceremony
What does a personal homeschool graduation ceremony look like? That’s what I wondered after our son announced he wanted a smaller, more personal service instead of participating in the large one hosted by our local homeschool association. I had heard of personal graduation ceremonies, but I had never attended one. I began scouring the internet for ideas. While I found a few informational pieces for homeschool group graduations, I could not find much about ceremonies just for individual graduates. It was evident we would be carving our own way. Not all of you homeschool, but perhaps, like some of our graduation guests, you’re curious about what a homeschool graduation looks…
Book Review: Raising Kids to Follow Christ
In 2023, George Barna released the findings of a study done on spirituality and biblical worldviews stating that 90 percent of children 13 – 14 years old believe there are not absolute moral truths; 68% of parents think of themselves as Christians but only 2% of them have a true biblical worldview; and 56% of children’s pastors believe there is no moral truth. (Barna, George. Raising Spiritual Champions, 2023). Those are unsettling stats. If you’re looking for practical ways to point children to Christ, then consider this book review of Raising Kids to Follow Christ written by Lee Ann Mancini.
10 Family Activities Enriching the Easter Season
I'm delighted to have award-winning writer, Sally Cressman as my guest today. She's sharing 10 activities for us to do with our families in the six weeks before Easter--the Lenten season. If you want to learn more about what Lent is, you can check out this article at Focus on the Family. Sally Cressman has written for Focus on the Family, Clubhouse magazine, LifeWay, the Moms in Prayer blog, and the Nashville Christian Family magazine. She raised three children and served in children’s ministry for over thirty years. Welcome, Sally!
My Tender Heart Prayer Book {Review & Giveaway}
“Bless the children of the world, the ones I do not know who, like me, need love every day and space to learn and grow.” (excerpt from the “Children of the World Prayer” in My Tender Heart Prayer book). Is this a prayer you’d like to teach children? If so, consider this book review (and giveaway!) of My Tender Heart Bible.
5 Tips for Becoming a Writer After Age 40
Are you over forty and wondering if it’s too late to become a writer? I was forty-six years old when I began writing for publications. If you enjoy writing and would like to pursue publication, I’d like to encourage you with five tips. But first, let’s address the question of how to begin.