The Fears and Joys of Our Adoption Journey (Part 1/2)
Are you considering adoption? In honor of Adoption Awareness Month, I’d like to share with you a few of the fears and joys of our adoption journey. Perhaps they’ll encourage you if you’re considering adoption. It’s understandable to experience some apprehension. Many uncertainties emerge.
Journal the Word Bible: One for Me & One for You!
How sweet the season is—a time of thanksgiving and giving! Thomas Nelson sent me, not one, but two, NKJV Journal the Word Bibles. One to keep, and one to give away. First, let me tell you how awesome this Bible is. Journal or Illustrate Every cream-colored page contains wide margins of lightly ruled lines. You can either journal your thoughts there or illustrate the meditations of your heart. I’m doing a little of both in mine, but mostly journaling. No more writing on the back of church bulletins or loose papers! Everything will be in one spot, ready for future reference by me, or the next generation. Wonderfully Large The…
The Winner of the Children’s Book–More Giveaways Ahead
We have a winner! Congratulations to Melinda Roberts on winning A Night of Great Joy by Mary Engelbreit. Melinda, I’ll contact you about directions of where I should mail your book. Thanks to all of you who shared your Christmas ideas. You’ll have several other chances to win books this month. Right now, author, Carrie Daws, is offering five copies of her book, The Warrior Bride: Biblical Strategies to Help the Military Spouse Thrive to one of my blog readers. You can find out more about this fantastic giveaway on this week’s post. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you won these to give to military wives or to donate to…
A Night of Great Joy- Children’s Book Review & Giveaway
by Sally Matheny Christmas is almost here. Can you believe it? Before the little ones become enraptured with twinkling lights and toy displays, snuggle them in for a story. The picture book, A Night of Great Joy, written and illustrated by Mary Engelbreit, would be a delightful choice. Allow me to share with you a little about the book, and how you may possibly win it. This beautifully illustrated book is sure to captivate young children’s attention. Engelbreit chose to tell the nativity story through a children’s Christmas pageant. Children of all ethnicities, clad in colorful costumes, tell the story of Christ’s birth, on a stage using handmade props. The story…
Trusting God Through a Miscarriage (Part 2 of 2)
by Sally Matheny October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. In my last post, I shared with you the excitement of my third pregnancy and the devastation of a miscarriage. Today, I want to encourage you by sharing another portion of my miscarriage journey. If you’re dealing with an infant or pregnancy loss, you already know some days are hard. Really hard. I promise you, it will get better. I hope you’ll find encouragement here and in a resource I’ve included at the bottom of the post. And, if you’re someone who has never experienced a miscarriage, and are at a loss of knowing how to help someone…