Barnaby the Runaway Sheep: Book Review & Giveaway
Paraclete Press recently released a cute picture book, Barnaby the Runaway Sheep: A Parable of the Lost Sheep. This fictional story addresses fear, loneliness, courage, and trust. Let's take a peek inside.
Popcorn Ceilings Are Popular Again! (A Note on Hospitality)
Have you heard popcorn ceilings are popular again? No? Perhaps you’ve watched numerous home improvement shows where the removal of popcorn ceilings topped the to-do lists. Or, maybe you’ve overheard hate speech directed toward ceilings with "cottage cheese." That’s what happened to me. Rumors of its inferiority were circling when we built our house in 1999. But I was so happy and thankful for the opportunity to build a house I didn’t mind declining a more expensive smooth ceiling. I’ve always been 10 years behind the trends anyway. By the time something begins to grow on me, it’s out of fashion again.
The Gospel Story for Kids: Book Review
If you’re looking for a condensed gospel presentation to use as an affordable giveaway for children’s ministry events or something that’s lightweight for mailing, consider The Gospel Story for Kids: God’s Story of Love from Creation to Revelation. Of course, a full version of the Bible is the very best presentation of the gospel. However, occasionally, the need arises for something compact in design. Let’s take a look at this soft-cover, 32-page booklet published by Tyndale.
When to Tell Kids the Truth About Santa
I remember the day I learned the truth about Santa Claus. Do you remember when you discovered Santa wasn’t real? Did you figure it out on your own, or did someone tell you? Perhaps you finally pinned your parents down and demanded the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Now that you’re a parent, perhaps you’re wondering when and how to break the news to your kids. I have some suggestions for you to consider.
LET’S BE FRIENDS: Book Review & Giveaway
When my girls were tweens, I remember praying together for God to give them wisdom in building friendships. Is it challenging for your tweens to find faithful friends? Let me introduce you to a devotional book for tweens about finding and keeping strong friendships: LET’S BE FRIENDS. Plus, we have a giveaway with this one!